I watched The Mummy Returns with my friends in MLC Theater in this summer vacation. It is said Hamunaputora in Japanese. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz are in it. It’s adventure movie. It is about the fight of family who is archaeologist and the Egyptian mummies.
Rick, Evelyn and their son, Alex discovered a strange bracelet in Egypt, and they brought it to their house in London. Alex put on it and he saw the place where Scorpion King slept. But people who plan to overpower the world revived Imhotep who has great power and kidnapped Alex. Their purpose is killing Scorpion King and controlling the world. Rick and Evelyn pursued them to rescue him. Evelyn’s ancestor is a princess in Egypt. She was killed by Imhotep’s wife, Meela but Alex revived her. She fought against Meela and won. Rick fought against Scorpion King and Imhotep, then he stuck Scorpion King with the spear and he died. Rick and Imhotep were falling into a hole, but Meela didn’t help Imhotep and escaped. Evelyn helped Rick. Imhotep fell into a hole. The pyramid collapsed and they managed to escape from it. They saved the world.
There are different kinds of The Mummy series, such as The Mummy1, The Scorpion King, and The Mummy3 released recently. I want to watch The Mummy3. I was little scared at a lot of mummies but so excited. I was impressed by family love. I recommend this movie if you like action movies
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