There are 14 big tents and 16 small tents. The big tents contains about 6,000~7,000 seats. The tents are filled with people every year. All people sing and dance drinking beer. They scream “Prost!” with music. “Prost” means “cheers”.
Special Oktoberfest beer is made for the festival. Only Munich beer breweries can make beer in the festival. Six makers are Augustiner, Hofbrau, Lowenbrau, Hacker-Pschorr, Paulaner, and Spaten. The beer is sweeter than normal beer and it contains about 6 percent alcohol. People eat roast chickens, big pretzels, and cheese which called “Obatzda”. The cheese is mixed with camembert cheese and cream cheese. There are many street stalls selling sausages and sweets.
Participants wear the Bayern’s folk costumes like Japanese yukata. Woman wears a checked or striped dress, or a flower print dress. Man wears leather knee pants.
There is Oktoberfest parade and 8,000 people join in the parade. The groups wear their own folk costumes by region in Germany. We can enjoy comparing various costumes. A brass band performs and the other group dances their traditional dances. Other countries, such as Switzerland, Italy, and Austria also join in the parade.
Why don’t you join in the festival when you become an adult and go to Germany?
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